Interior visualization in Blender beginner – main

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Part 1 – Interior visualization in Blender beginner course

DURATION: 18:04 min Setting the scene Shortcut keys in blender (throughout the course) Face orientation and Scale Selection in Blender Setting up the camera Render settings Lighting Environment and HDRI files Node Wrangler addon Start of modeling in Blender Reference image in Blender Modeling hex tiles Bevel modifier Creating collections Array modifier

The most important things for Photorealism in Blender

Your model should be built to real-world scale When creating a scene, the most important thing you need to make sure that the objects match the measurements in the real world. Therefore, it is best to use reference images or blueprints with product dimensions. If you are modeling something to which you have physical access, […]

How to set the camera in a blender

The camera in Blender is one of the 3 objects (cube and point lamp are the other two) that come by default when we start the blender file.A camera is an object that defines how our image will be displayed in the render result. If there are no cameras in the scene, nothing will happen […]