Poolrooms In Blender – Step By Step Tutorial (Beginner Friendly)
As you know, I previously recorded a 4-hour tutorial on how to create Backrooms in Blender. A lot of people watched the tutorial, and some of them asked if I could make a tutorial on Poolrooms, so, why not.
I did some searching on Youtube and there aren’t as many Poolrooms videos as there are Backrooms videos, but they are watched a lot, I haven’t found any tutorials on how to create Poolrooms, so this one, if not the first, will definitely be the most detailed.
In this tutorial, we’ll create the animation which you can see in the introductory video. The tutorial will be adapted for beginners, but we will also go in-depth to get as many details as possible.
Speech-language: English + subtitles
Video resolution of the tutorial: 2k
.blend + all project files included
Duration 4+ hours